3028加速度传感器:The Model 3028 is a piezoresistive silicon accelerometer packaged on a ceramic substrate with a metal bracket which can be used to bolt the sensor to the mounting location. The accelerometer consists of a micro machined silicon mass suspended by multiple beams from a silicon frame. This design provides for a very low profile, high shock resistance, durability and built-in damping over a wide usable bandwidth. For an accelerometer with an adhesive mount design, see the Model 3022. Please refer to the Models 3052 and 3058 for accelerometers with integral temperature compensation.
所属品牌: ICSensors
输出: 10~0.4 mV/g
量程: ±2,±5 ,±10 ,±20 ,±50 ,±100 ,±200g
工作温度范围:-40℃ ~ 125℃
度:0.5% FSO(非线性)
供电电源:5 VDC
典型应用: 振动、冲击测试,模态分析,运动控制,碰撞实验,运输监测